
Cancellation Policy

Before purchasing tickets, carefully review the event details. A change in personal circumstances or a change of mind does not entitle the ticket holder to a refund or exchange of ticket.

Ciné sous les Étoiles is an outdoor event and is occasionally subject to adverse weather. We try to go ahead with screenings wherever possible, and do not cancel for light/intermittent/potential rain or what some patrons may consider as unfavourable weather conditions. Like most outdoor events, we screen whether rain or shine and do not provide refunds in the event of a no-show.

Screenings will only be cancelled if there is persistent heavy rain or dangerous, unsafe weather. If a screening is cancelled due to bad weather, we will communicate this via email, website and/or social media channels. The screening will then be postponed to a new date and tickets will be automatically converted to a voucher redeemable for the same ticket type for a future session- you can choose to watch the same movie on a different date or you can select another screening. No refunds will be given and you must retain your original tickets/ vouchers in order to use them.

The decision to cancel a screening will be made by Ciné sous les Étoiles and this decision can be made at any time up to or during the screenings, as weather conditions are unpredictable. By booking a service or purchasing a ticket from Ciné sous les Étoiles, you accept the risk that the weather you may consider unsatisfactory may occur on a screening night and acknowledge that tickets will not be refunded unless the screening has been officially cancelled by Ciné sous les Étoiles. Gift vouchers/ tickets will not be refunded even if unused.

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Ciné Sous Les Étoiles has collaborated with leading institutions and organisations in order to offer the very best. Food and beverages will be on sale from our partners on-site.